Changes in Latitude, Changes in Seasons

When we left Seattle in late June it felt like summer. Long warm days, blue skies and sunshine. Then we headed north to Alaska. The further north we went, the days got even longer. First light in the morning was around 4AM and dusk around 11PM, even a month or so past the solstice! We had a mix of weather on the way up, but the closer we got to Alaska, the more it felt like winter! Cold, dark and rainy. Wool sweaters, long underwear, and knit hats, all of the accoutrements of winter in Seattle. We reached Juneau at the end of August and began to head back south.

As soon as we hit Canada, we experienced some summer-like weather for about a week. Then we sailed down the coast of Vancouver Island with quite a bit of fog. Now it is autumn and we are in California. Mostly warm, beautifully sunny days, but the sun is setting at 6:30PM. Our wardrobe has changed to shorts and T-shirts. However, the first Pacific storms have arrived and the leaves are turning color and falling. We visited the farmers market where there are pumpkins and squashes.
It is all very confusing. Sometimes on this sailing voyage we have asked “what day is it?” Now we ask “what season is it?” Time to head south with the bird and the whales!