Latest News & Events & Videos!
December 13, 2019
Hello friends & family! It's not only the 1st day of summer here in Aotearoa, but it's also the start of my birthday season! A couple of weeks ago I shared the LiveOcean page (on Facebook) with you and asked you to give it a like. And heaps of you did! Thank you for that. Now, brazen girl that I am, I'm asking you to make a donation to the cause for my birthday.
My mates Pete & Blair are like us -- sailors, divers, surfers -- and they are pouring their love of the sea into this mission. Their first project is saving the Antipodean albatross.
For those of you who followed along on our voyage, you might remember that on our passage from Pitcairn to Auckland we saw only 3 things: blue blueness bluing bluefully, plastic in the sea, and one of these incredible birds. It was such a special experience... it flew with us for a while and we were mesmerized. It gave us hope! The possibility of losing the Antipodean albatross leaves me sad in my heart. Please do what you can to help. The link to donate is in the comments section. Kiwi mates, you can donate directly via your bank.
Here is information on the project: https://liveocean.com/projects/
November 19, 2018
Sailing diaries: Are we cheaters for using the engine?
We were quoted in this CNN article, because of our desire to protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint.
From the article:
Sustainable voyaging advocates Michele and Jon Henderson have sailed 16,000 nautical miles on their boat "Ardea," the vast majority of it by the power of wind alone.
"Wind is better, full stop. The boat handles beautifully under sail and is far more comfortable than when motoring."
September 14, 2018
World Cleanup Day Aotearoa!
Let's clean up Aotearoa!
Millions of volunteers in a 150-country network will unite to clean the world in a single day. Since 2008, nearly 20 million people from around the globe have joined the Let’s Do It! World movement. Our movement connects and empowers citizens, companies and governments to clean up their countries of mismanaged waste, such as litter and illegal waste dump sites.
Commit to cleaning up your favorite park, waterway, beach, or neighborhood. Get a few friends together, and post some photos of what you've cleaned up! Let's keep the rubbish out of the sea and keep Aotearoa beautiful!
August 07, 2018
Callaloo Blue partners with The Big Microplastic Survey!
The Big Microplastic Survey is a global citizen science project that will gather data and information about the microplastics problem from around the world. It is aimed at individuals and organisations that have access to the coast, rivers and lakes and want to get involved in gathering scientific data. Callaloo Blue was the first group in New Zealand to take part, and we will continue to gather data on our voyages and travels.
June 07, 2018
World Oceans Day Kiwi Cleanup!
Kia Ora Kiwis!
World Oceans Day is June 8th! Let's clean up our beaches!
How to participate:
1) Post which beach (or waterway) you are going to clean up.
2) SHARE the event: get your friends, family, and co-workers to
3) Head out to the beach (or out on the water) between the
8th & 10th of June (or any day, really) and collect rubbish.
4) Post a photo of what you have collected.
Between now and then, consider alternatives for single-use plastics in your day-to-day life. For more information, check out our plasticfreeseas tab and consider taking the Clean Seas Pledge!
We've partnered with Sustainable Coastlines in Auckland & Wellington. Please contact their offices to pick up your clean up kit!
From the photo submissions, there will be a random drawing for a prize basket containing alternatives to single-use plastics. Stay tuned for sponsors and content! (Open to NZ participants.)
Check out the event on the World Oceans Day website: http://www.worldoceansday.org/events-current-year/world-oceans-day-kiwi-cleanup
Sustainable Coastlines is having a World Oceans Day event, and we'll be speaking! Here is the link: http://sustainablecoastlines.org/event/albatross-world-oceans-day/
April 19, 2017
Check out our articles in 48North Magazine!
Did you know that we have been writing for 48North Magazine?? It's true! Check them out!
November 2016: The 27 Month Plan
December 2016: Adventures in Anchoring
January 2017: Ardea's Alaska Adventure
February 2017: The "Mission Critical" List
March 2017: An Unexpected Cruising Discovery
April 2017: Boat Projects Amid Carnaval
June 2017: Fishing from your Sailboat
July 2017: Voyagers Guide to Making Plans
August 2017: Shorthanded Spinnaker Sailing
September 2017: Cruising the Galapagos Islands
October 2017: The Effects of a Long Passage on the Mind
November 2017: Look Mom, No Hands! (Using windvane steering)
December 2017: Hendersons on Henderson Island
January 2018: Seattle Sailors in the City of Sails
February 2018: Sailor's Guide to Superfluous Safety
April 2018: Turning the Tide on Plastic
A Man and his Minto
Jon getting in a little vitamin sea therapy session after a series of unfortunate events we experienced sailing from Deer Harbor on Orcas Island to Sucia, where the Ardea is anchored. Orcas and Sucia are part of the San Juan Islands, in the State of Washington in the USA. Special thanks to Anthony Abate for the great video!
June 25, 2016
Cutting the dock lines!
Cutting the docklines and catching the ebb tide!
June 23, 2016
Please stop by to say farewell to the intrepid Callaloo Cruise Team (Noj & Michele!) in preparation for their extended world cruise. The Ardea will be at the CYC dock for the event. We look forward to seeing you then!
The CYC bar will be open and snacks will be available.