When we let people know we were going to Alaska, people told us stories of catching halibut. "Oh yeah, you just hang a hook over the...

Whale Tales
What is it about our cetacean friends that transforms a couple of adult(ish) sailors into spastic children the instant they appear?? I've...

The Bubble
I often used to mock the sailboats with the fully enclosed cockpit / dodger. How could you feel the wind and experience the fresh ocean...

We had just set our anchor deep in the south part of Thomas Bay. Beautiful! We chose a spot tucked into a bay with a gorgeous view of the...

Free Stuff: Our Favorite Boutique to Dumpster Diving
Sailors are a curious bunch. We don't have room on our boats to keep the things we 'might need someday', but we are reluctant to put them...

The Otters Ate All the Sunshine
There is a myth going around Southeast Alaska that ever since the sea otters became a protected species, they have been eating all the...

Sailing the Farm
In the very early days of our dating, Noj recommended two books to me. (All part of his 'plan of seduction' – quite clever, actually.)...

Fog blog.
Our first experience with intensely thick 'pea soup' fog was an angst ridden affair. That day we were setting out for the crossing of...

Salty Pajamas
We made it to Desolation Sound (land of the stern tie anchoring). We found Isabel Bay on the charts and had to go check it out because...

Trees, Trees, Water. Bird Flew By.
A couple of years ago we were talking to our friend Marti about our BC/Alaska cruising plans. She had done some cruising up here, and to...